Sunday, September 22, 2024

People & Contacts


Association for Neighborhood and Housing Development (ANHD)

50 Broad Street, Ste. 1402, New York, NY 10004-2699 / p 212-747-1117 / f 212-747-1114

SUBWAYS:  2, 3, 4, & 5 Wall Street stops, by the J & Z Broad Street stop, by the A & C Fulton Street stop, and by the R & W Rector Street stop.



Lena Afridi

Lena Afridi is the Policy Coordinator for Equitable Economic Development. Lena analyzes, researches, and helps implement policies that address economic inequality in New York City. Outside of her role at ANHD, Lena spends her time writing and powerlifting. She holds a BA from Mount Holyoke College and a Masters of Regional Planning from Cornell University. ext. 12


Lucy Block is the Research and Policy Associate. She is responsible for policy research and data analysis to support tenant organizers and end residential displacement in New York City’s low-income neighborhoods and communities of color. Lucy grew up in Manhattan and has a Master’s degree in Urban Planning from Hunter College. She loves NYC most in the summer, when she can swim in the Rockaways and spend all evening outside.  ext. 13

Michael Brady

Michael Brady is the Industrial Development Capacity Building Project Manager. Michael works closely with members to develop and evaluate New York City industrial policy and assists members in securing resources from the Industrial Developer Fund by providing hands-on strategic assistance to leverage proven methods to activate industrial real estate.  ext. 29


Melanie Breault

Melanie Breault is the Communications Associate. She handles all internal and external communications needs for ANHD and offers help and guidance for its member groups and coalitions. She spends her free time working on the website, Progressive City: Radical Alternatives, writing about women’s health issues, and walking her German Shepherd mix Clarkson through the park in Brooklyn.   ext. 15


Benjamin Dulchin

Benjamin Dulchin is the Executive Director.  Benjamin is committed to NYC’s activist community development movement, and has been a housing and community organizer for twenty-six years.  Since becoming Executive Director, Benjamin has expanded the scope of ANHD’s work, led research and advocacy campaigns on key issues to change the landscape of NYC housing policy, shaped ANHD’s bank reinvestment research and advocacy, led ANHD’s new focus on equitable economic development, and  expanded the capacity-building programs that ANHD provides for our membership. Benjamin’s dog is grumpy, but his two children are not.   ext. 17

Emily Goldstein


Emily Goldstein is the Senior Campaign Organizer. She works with ANHD member organizations and allies to develop and organize campaigns around affordable housing, tenants’ rights, land use, and zoning. Emily enjoys knitting, ice cream, and reading dystopian fiction and social movement history.  ext. 11


Rita Mazza


Rita Mazza is the Office Manager and has been with the organization for fifteen years. She is responsible for HR and manages the various employee benefit programs, acts as technology liaison, and provides Administrative support to the Executive Director.  Rita spends a lot of her free time enjoying her two beautiful grandchildren.   ext. 10


Armando Chapelliquen


Armando Moritz-Chapelliquen is the Campaign Coordinator for Equitable Economic Development. Armando engages with member groups and allies to advance economic justice through organizing and advocacy campaigns. Beyond the cause of equity, he enjoys relaxing with his wife, philosophy, and his cat Coltrane.  ext. 19


Lauren Nye is our new Development Director. She manages the fundraising efforts and supports the communications strategy for ANHD. She is a Bronx native with a Masters of Arts in English from SUNY Albany completed, and a Masters of Public Administration from CUNY Baruch’s Marxe School of Public and International Affairs in progress. She spends her free time on, near, or in the water, cooking, exploring the best city in the world, and thinking about community development.

Stephanie Sosa

Stephanie Sosa is the Senior Associate for Housing Development Policy. She handles the research, analysis, and drafting of ANHD’s policy on affordable housing production and preservation, with a particular focus on underwriting analysis.  She maintains relations with ANHD’s constituency of neighborhood-based, not-for-profit affordable housing developers, located throughout the five boroughs of New York City. Prior to joining ANHD, Stephanie worked at various community development organizations including Fordham-Bedford Housing Corporation and Ridgewood Bushwick Senior Citizens Council, Inc.  ext. 28

Ericka Stallings


Ericka Stallings is the Director of Organizing and Advocacy. Ericka oversees organizing capacity building and training efforts as well as other key components of ANHD’s organizing and advocacy work. She spends her spare time perfecting her chocolate chip cookie recipe, living room dancing, reading, and perusing puppy videos.   ext. 14



Chris Walters

Chris Walters is the Rezoning Technical Assistance Coordinator. He provides assistance and support to member organizations and their partners working on proposed city-led rezonings throughout NYC. Chris received his Master’s Degree in Urban Planning from Hunter College in December 2015. A long-time resident of Greenpoint, he likes to spend his free-time hanging in the neighborhood or going on “subway adventures” with his two young sons.  ext. 25


Jaime Weisberg

Jaime Weisberg is the Senior Campaign Analyst.  She is responsible for ANHD’s bank reinvestment work, providing research and support to member organizations regarding bank mergers and the Community Reinvestment Act. She helps our member organizations increase access to banking, loan products, and investments in community development and works with organizers to combat combating predatory equity lending that threatens affordable housing.  Outside of work, she can be found out and about in northwestern Queens, spending time with her two kids, or in the kitchen cooking.   ext. 23

Barika Williams

Barika Williams is the Deputy Director. She leads ANHD’s housing, land use, and equitable economic development policy research and analysis. Barika works with ANHD member groups, city and state agencies, and elected officials to help ensure that City and State policies and programs support low-income communities, immigrants, and communities of color in all of New York City’s neighborhoods. She holds a BA from Washington University of St. Louis and a Masters of City Planning from MIT. In addition to her role as Deputy Director, she is a sports junkie who appreciates live music and a good puzzle.  ext.21



ANHD’s bylaws state that the Board is composed solely of managerial staff from its member organizations with a maximum count of 15 members.

Board Officers:

Chair: Walter Roberts, Executive Director, Hope Community Inc.

Vice Chair: Leah Archibald, Executive Director, Evergreen

Treasurer: Christopher Cirillo, Executive Director, Ascendant Neighborhood Development (formerly Lott Community Development Corp.)

Secretary: Michelle de la Uz, Executive Director, Fifth Avenue Committee

Board Members:

Aron Kurlander, Director of Business Services Group, Greater Jamaica Development Corp.

Bernell Grier, Executive Director, IMPAACT Brooklyn

Brandon Kielbasa, Director of Organizing & Policy, Cooper Square Committee

Derrick Lovett, Executive Director, MBD Community Housing Corp.

Jaye Fox, Director of Housing, WHEDCo

Michelle Neugebauer, Executive Director, Cypress Hills LDC

Nancy Carin, Executive Director, Business Outreach Center Network

Scott Short, CEO, RiseBoro Community Partnership