Sunday, September 22, 2024

City Budget

ANHD actively coordinates our member groups to win funding of key government programs that are central to supporting the on-the-ground community development work of our members.  Together, the Community Consultant Contract, the Housing Preservation Initiative, and the Neighborhood Preservation Consultant Program provide consistent funding for community-based, nonprofit partners to work with tenants, homeowners, landlords, and the city to preserve affordable housing, ensure neglected properties do not have a negative impact on the broader community, help homeowners avoid foreclosure and protect tenants from eviction and dangerous living conditions throughout the city. 

o   Housing Preservation Initiative (HPI) is a flexible program to support neighborhood groups in the development of strategic, grassroots-based solutions that directly address the particular threat to affordable housing in each community.  In FY 2015, ANHD won expansion of the Housing Preservation Initiative (HPI) funding from $1.25  to $2 Million to allow the program to expand to additional neighborhoods across New York City.

o   Community Consultant Contracts (CCC) provides core funding for the front-line anti-eviction services that community groups provide. When a community resident is at-risk of eviction, or when a constituent-service staff person needs assistance with a housing case, they call the CCC-funded anti-eviction specialist at their local community group. These specialties are knowledgeable about the full range of available resources and use all applicable tools to keep New York City residents in housing they can afford. In FY 15, ANHD won a restoration of the Community Consultant Contract to $830,000, reversing the 50% cut that this program took three years ago when it was reduced to $415,000.

o    Neighborhood Preservation Consultant Program (NPCP) provides consistent funding for community-based, nonprofit partners to work with tenants, landlords, and the city to preserve affordable housing, ensure neglected properties do not have a negative impact on the broader community, and protect tenants from eviction and dangerous living conditions throughout the city. ANHD is currently working to restore the Neighborhood Preservation Consultant Program to $1,080, 000, reversing the recent 72% cut which reduced the program to $580,000.


  • Tenants Counseled            8,740+
  • Residents Outreached     15,696+
  •  Residents Engaged            9,923+
  • Homeowners Counseled   1,792+
  •  Referrals Provided            4,220+