Wednesday, January 22, 2025

ANHD calls on Council to Fix MIH

The Mayor’s Mandatory Inclusionary Housing (MIH) proposal is rapidly making its way through the City’s ULURP process. On February 3, the City Planning Commission (CPC) voted to approve the de Blasio Administration’s MIH proposal with modifications.
MIH is now officially in the hands of City Council, which has until approximately April 8th to vote on MIH. The Council has the power to reshape the Mayor’s MIH proposal over the next 2 months including changing affordability options, process, oversight and enforcement.
Absent substantial changes that would guarantee truly affordable housing that neighborhoods and the city overall needs, ANHD cannot support the Administration’s current Mandatory Inclusionary Housing (MIH) proposal.
For ANHD’s MIH testimony on for today’s City Council hearing CLICK HERE.
MIH can and should be a powerful affordable housing tool, and is one that ANHD and our groups have pushed for over a decade. But the Administration’s current MIH proposal misses the opportunity to create the guaranteed, truly affordable housing that many neighborhoods are demanding.
Mandatory Inclusionary Housing will impact all neighborhoods throughout the City for many years to come. It is critical that we all work to set up an MIH policy that achieves the best possible outcome for our communities.
ANHD has provided critical information on MIH and done extensive analysis of the our City’s current and proposed inclusionary programs.
Based on our research and analysis, ANHD is calling on the City Council to revise the Administration’s Mandatory Inclusionary Housing proposal and to ensure that options with guarantee deeper affordability levels to meet the full range of incomes and neighborhoods across the City.
ANHD’s testimony at the upcoming City Council hearing will be based on our papers:
ANHD and community groups from across the city will call to:
  • Add a Deep Affordability option of 30% affordable housing at 30% AMI.
  • Require all MIH options include a set-aside of 15% of units at the 30% AMI level.
  • Eliminate the current ‘Gentrification Option,’ the 30% set aside at 120% AMI option.
  • Require that off-site MIH developments set aside an additional 10% affordable units.
  • Increase the number of MIH options to 5, to address the range of diverse neighborhood needs.
As a city, we cannot afford to miss this opportunity to create a new and effective centerpiece housing program. For additional questions or press inquiries on MIH please feel free to contact Barika Williams, ANHD’s Deputy Director at
Blog team: Benjamin Dulchin, Lena Afridi, Armando Chapelliquen, Jonathan Furlong, Emily Goldstein, Ericka Stallings, Jaime Weisberg, Barika X. Williams. Editors, Anne Troy, Abou-Baker Diakite

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