MIH Passes Planning Commission, Bringing the Fight to the City Council
This change is helpful to ensure the efficacy of the MIH policy. However, unless the de Blasio Administration’s MIH proposal is significantly improved, it will not create the guaranteed, truly affordable housing that many neighborhoods are demanding.
The City Council has scheduled an MIH hearing for Tuesday, Feb. 9th in order to hear the Administration’s revised proposal, and get answers from the Administration on the many issues and questions that remain unaddressed as quickly as possible.
ANHD’s testimony at the upcoming City Council hearing will be based on our Position Points and our Analysis of the MIH Feasibility Study. ANHD and community groups from across the city will call to:
- Add a Deep Affordability option of 30% affordable housing at 30% AMI.
- Require all MIH options include a set-aside of 15% of units at the 30% AMI level.
- Eliminate the current ‘Gentrification Option,’ the 30% set aside at 120% AMI option.
- Require that off-site MIH developments set aside an additional 10% affordable units.
- Increase the number of MIH options to 5, to address the range of diverse neighborhood needs.
As a city, we cannot afford to miss this opportunity to create a new and effective centerpiece housing program.