What You Need To Know About Mandatory Inclusionary Housing: Recapping ANHD’s Analysis
An important policy debate commenced this fall when the City released its long-awaited Mandatory Inclusionary Housing (MIH) policy proposal, a centerpiece of the de Blasio housing agenda. ANHD has been the leading organization calling for an MIH policy because housing advocates and community residents see MIH as an opportunity to put in place a new baseline where every neighborhood and site that is upzoned will include guaranteed affordable housing that truly meets the needs of the local community. But for many ANHD member-groups, the Administration’s current MIH proposal misses the mark.
The process of community engagement will play out over the next few months as neighbor-hoods and their elected representatives have the opportunity to make their voices heard, shaping the final proposal that is put before the City Council for vote in early 2016. ANHD’s recent policy analysis offers a comprehensive set of materials to understand the issues:
City’s Mandatory Inclusionary Housing Misses Out – In this November policy brief, ANHD evaluates the strengths and weaknesses of the Administration’s MIH proposal, and suggests how the City can revise the its Mandatory Inclusionary Housing proposal and add additional options with deeper affordability levels to meet the full range of incomes and neighborhoods across the City.
ANHD Finds Gaps in City’s Inclusionary Housing Market Study – This November white paper provides the only public analysis of the key Market and Financial Study prepared by a consultant hired by the City in order to provide the basis for the Administrations’ MIH proposal. ANHD’s white paper finds that the City’s own study shows that the City left significant public value on the table when it released it’s MIH proposal.
Another de Blasio zoning proposal being discussed is Zoning for Quality Affordability (ZQA). This is a separate zoning proposal distinct from MIH. Zoning for Quality Affordability applies to new development in areas that have been contextually downzoned; it does not apply to upzonings.
DeBlasio ZQA Proposal – A Step Forward – In many neighborhoods, the public conversation about Administration’s Zoning for Quality and Affordability (ZQA) proposal has become enmeshed in the debate about MIH, and concerns about the intrusion of over-development and big real estate interests on residential neighborhoods. In this policy brief, ANHD finds the ZQA proposal reflects thoughtful and modest changes to encourage affordable and senior developments, while preserving the types of livable, mixed-use communities New Yorkers value. ANHD believes that the Zoning for Quality and Affordability proposal is worthy of support.